Tuesday, January 26, 2016

History of Man Changes; People Over Time Change!

Darnell L Williams on the telephone in his bedroom at age 14.

I am going to challenge the established Professors on the segments of American societies and how they came about. I am going to challenge our professors in college, our teachers in our schools, and the know it all Black and White people in our neighborhoods.  Just read on and no one would think that I am talking about you!

Darnell L Williams at age 22 working as a Computer Operator.

A few Black Muslims attack my children, calling them mutts because they do not fit their idea of how they should look. My children said that they are just jealous of their looks and self-esteem. They also have a problem with their success. I had the same problem with people in the 1960s growing up.  I have to agree with my children.   

The Cherokee Empire in the 1700s

My oldest child gave a presentation in class when she attended CD High School about her heritage and the children laughed at her. My youngest daughter gave a presentation and her teacher just about called her a liar. The reason is that they are not saying the things that the establishment is teaching about Black people's history.  My children is talking about individual family development. The establishment wants Blacks to talk about themselves as a group.  It is funny how when I gave my presentation in College in the 1970s, my professor just about told me that I was making it all up.  

Even today, I am attacked by people who know nothing about civilization, telling me that I am making it up or think that they can attack me because Cherokees  had slavery. Just about every group of people were slaves or had slaves in one form or another on this planet. They think by telling me this about Cherokees, that is suppose to change my mind about who I am.    

They think that we all were captured and brought to the West Coast of Africa. We all were put on a ship and packed like sardines. We sailed across the Atlantic and was sold to White slave owners. Some of this is true but when talking about all people of color, though out human history, it is a lie. Most of American History is a lie. 

I have met people of color as well as White people in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina that are descendant of Natives or is still part of a Native Reservation. You do not hear of such people living among us for fear that they will be harassed.  

Your children are given a large history book but only study half the book.

The idea of American History is to create a story that will allow all Americans to mold themselves into one people under one flag. Phase one is to cause all White people to mold into one. Phase two is to mold all people of color into one.  Then phase three, mold White and Colored into one.  We are in phase two now.

Clara and Thomas Porter, Amanda Ann Porter's Parents


Williams J Williams and Jean J. Williams wedding

Amanda Ann Porter(Williams at the time) taking Amanda Ann Williams III to class.

World History did not start 400 years ago. It started Tens of Thousands of years ago at the beginning of man.  

Click on the link below and see what my family discovered over three generations.  

The First Black Multinational Children

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