Monday, February 29, 2016

Obama Created Trump

President Obama

Hi, my name is Darnell L Williams. You may know me as a Cynic.  I know longer believe in the American Political Process. I worked on elections since April 1963. Many young people that I talk to on Face Book claim that I should go back and talk to my mother about voting.  My reply, why because I worked outside the polls while my mother was Judge of Elections. Now I am a "Judge of Elections" 53 years later.  I get paid and don't care about the outcome.

I knew something was wrong with the Election Process when Ronald Reagan was elected and I started becoming increasingly suspicious as time went on to the point where I decided that I will not vote in the 2016 Elections. When Obama ran for President, I worked my butt off for him in the Spring of 2008. I worked out of his Harrisburg, Pa. Office and out of his Centre County, Pa. office.

After he won, a British man told me how the US and the multinational system worked. That is when things started falling into place. He told me that Obama was backed by the "New World Order." They are controlled by some very powerful corporate leaders and high ranking politicians such as VP Chaney.  As a matter of fact, Dick Chaney is President Obama's Cousin on his mother's side.

Obama promised the people that he would give them everything. But in the end, gave the masses very little. Black people were just happy having a Black President and did not care what the man did. Most people felt betrayed but decided to give him a second chance in 2012. But then ObamaCare started kicking in and that Obama Tax started going up. With people not getting a raise for 20 years and household budgets getting tighter, the American Anger among voters started kicking in.

Donald Trump

So in reality, President Obama created the anti-Obama known as "Donald Trump." The voters could tell that Trump was going to play a part in the next election. The "Donald" was attacking the President at every turn including putting out lies about President Obama's birth certificate and about his faith. In 2015, the word was  out that he was running for President. Instead of promising things to voters, he sold them on hatred against very one. I call him an " equal discrimination person on the grounds of sex, race, disability, and religion."    People are so feed up with the corruption and false promises of government leaders that a large majority of voters seem to follow him and vote for him because they want to get back at the establishment, politicians, and the bureaucracy.

He started out as a joke but as time when on, he gained popularity. Then the Primaries and Caucus started.  By the third state election, Trump won 2 and came in second in the first Caucus in Iowa. That is when the Political Leaders became afraid. Some politicians can see "the writing on the wall." Many started switching to Trump. The Republican Leadership "circled the wagons" and started a coordinated  attack on Trump, talking about his taxes to making an alliance with KKK leader David Duke. The media is given the task of being the alliance's mouth piece. 

Their objective is to stop Trump from getting enough Delegates voting for him at the National Republican Convention. In my opinion, if they do not make it, they will have to show the world that they are prepared to not allow him to get the nomination even if he has the delegates. The only other way is to nominate someone else, shoot him, or put him in jail. 

As of February 29, 2016, here is the Republican Delegate Count;

Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (born December 22, 1970) is a Cuban American politician and the junior United States Senator from Texas.  

Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) is a Cuban American attorney, politician and junior United States Senator from from Miami, Florida.  The Republican Strategic Section must have been on a drunken stupor for the past 8 months or at least they know nothing about people. Oh wait! Maybe that is why the Republican Party is in deep trouble.

Most of us know Cubans and Mexicans as Hispanics. Just like the Republican Party, we think of them all the same. Wrong Answer! Mexicans do not like Cubans because Mexicans claim that Cubans get special treatment from the US Government.  Cubans can come into this country and stay with no problem. For Mexicans, the people did not cross the US border, because of the Mexican War, the boarder crossed them. 

  All a Mexican has to do is want to visit their family or work the farms, they will get sent back for being illegal aliens.   

  So the Republican Party and their Hispanic Candidates think that they are going to stop Trump by showing Mexicans and other Central and South American Latinos how well these two Cubans are doing with their special US Policy situation.  Now they are surprised how poorly their candidates are doing against Trump with the Mexican American people.

The Republican Donald Trump on Super Tuesday have an opportunity to win about half of the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the nomination.

Super Tuesday

Here is why from Wednesday February 24 to Monday February 29, the media by way of talk shows and news shows, blasted Trump on every issue as well as made up issues on TV, Newspapers,  and radio.  March 1, in my opinion is "make it or break it time" for the Republican elite.

On Super Tuesday, Texas is by far the biggest delegate prize on the map, with 155 Republican delegates and 252 Democratic delegates at stake. That's why candidates on both sides have spent time there and invested significant resources into the state.

But there are a handful of other states with significant delegate totals that candidates are targeting as well: think Alabama (50 Republican delegates; 60 Democratic delegates), Georgia (76 Republican delegates; 116 Democratic delegates), Tennessee (58 Republican delegates; 76 Democratic delegates) and Virginia (49 Republican delegates; 110 Democratic delegates).

The Republican National Committee decided back in 2014 that all states holding their nominating contests before March 15 must award their delegates to the candidates proportionally, rather than on a winner-take-all basis. This means that, in most states, they'll either be awarded based on the overall statewide vote or based on who wins in each congressional district. 

In these major primaries taking place all at once should work to the benefit of Donald Trump, who knows how to win over crowds at big, boisterous rallies. His preference for large-scale campaign events will make it easier for him to reach as many Super Tuesday voters as possible.

Look into the Future

In my opinion, Trump will win the Republican Nomination. I expect the Republican Establishment to allow him to run for President. So I agree with President Obama on Trump going this far.

Hillary Clinton should win the Democratic Nomination. Her only opposition will be  "Black Lives Matter." A small minority of young Blacks made a convincing argument that the reason why so many Black people are in jail is because the Clinton's 20 years ago had laws pass that put Black people at a disadvantage and put in Jail.   

Donald Trump is selling hatred to the American people. Hillary is selling Obama's Legacy. The American people want a raise in pay that they have not had in 20 years. They want stable food prices and jobs. They want to increase their wealth. Both Trump and Clinton are not selling this to the American people. This is where Hillary may get into a pickle.

In the final analysis, no one cares about saving Obama's legacy. Many of her supporter may lose interest and not show up at the poles. The haters of Trump will have an incentive to go to the polls in November 2016.  If Trump becomes the President, he will carry out most of Hillary's policies. That is because Trump is a Democrat in Republican clothing. But look for problems on the Mexican Border and America becoming more Isolationist in world affairs.      

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