Friday, January 2, 2015

Part 2: Doctors Harvesting Your Organs Before Death, Why?

We know of two people in 2014 that died saying, " I can't breath!" Why?

You may have put yourself on the death list and not know it! Just in case you did not see part 1.  You can see the videos below by clicking on the "https" link or on the picture.

Don't Look Now But Your Body Has Been Stolen!

We have two people killed because they were being arrested but could not breath. How many more did this happen too?  We may not know about it because no one put it on any of the media.  Many of these situations maybe Black Market Organ Harvesting.  If you can suffocate someone, you can take all of their organs.  If you shoot someone in the brain or in the heart, you just lost several thousands of dollars if you are in the organ black market.  How many gangs are associated with the Human Organ Black Market?


Many people sign their death sentence without knowing it. Hey, don't believe me?  Believe someone in this next video that knows more about how the business works than I do.  


You can see the videos below by clicking on the "https" link or on the picture.


Black market organ stealing


Published on Sep 2, 2014

Recently in China, a missing 6-year-old boy was found alone in a field, crying. Upon closer inspection, both eyes had been removed, presumably for the corneas.

In 2012, a young African girl was kidnapped and brought to the UK for the sole purpose of harvesting her organs. She was one of the lucky ones—rescued before she went under the knife. Authorities feel this is just the tip of the iceberg.

This isn't just an international occurrence. Kendrick Johnson, a Georgia teen, died at school January 2013. The local sheriff quickly determined the death was a freak accident, that he suffocated after getting stuck in a rolled up mat in the school gym. Johnson's parents however, could not—would not—accept that. Six months after his death, they obtained a court order to have the body exhumed for an independent autopsy.

The pathologist was stunned when he found the corpse stuffed with newspaper. The brain, heart, lungs and liver were missing. He also discovered Johnson's death was due to blunt force trauma to the right side of his neck. The FBI is now involved in this disturbing case with potentially shattering reverberations.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes has spent over ten years studying the dark side of organ harvesting and trafficking which is driven by greedy middle men and desperate, wealthy recipients. Black market organs are being transplanted in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles at $150,000 a pop. She reports there are "broker-friendly" US hospitals, complete with surgeons who either don't know or don't care where the organs come from.

Organ donation is only possible if the organ in question has blood and oxygen flowing through it until the time of harvesting. A living donor can give a whole kidney, a portion of their liver, lung, intestine or pancreas. Otherwise, the donor must be declared brain dead while circulation and oxygenation remain intact.

Today, 120,771 people are waiting for an organ, and 18 will die every day while waiting. Just one donor has the ability to save up to 8 lives. Where there's a demand, there's a way, and for the wealthy money is no object when it comes to a vitally needed body part.

Organ donation is strictly regulated in the US, yet a black market is alive and well. Typically a broker will team up with a funeral home director, forging consent forms and a death certificate to harvest human tissue before the body is cremated or buried. Sometimes organs are harvested from a living victim for compensation. In the worst case it involves kidnapping for the purpose of organ harvesting. Always at the end of the chain is a wealthy recipient, willing to pay big bucks with no questions asked.

In some countries, impoverished villagers may sell an organ for several hundred dollars. In others, organ harvesting is tied to human trafficking. Children sold into slavery or a life of sexual abuse are also used for their organs.

There's a black market for hearts, lungs, and livers, and kidney organs.

You woke up and saw this being pulled out of you. They said you were dead. But they just wanted your organs.  

Black marketers can be doctors, hospital personnel, police, undertakers, coroners or anyone that has access to a fresh human kill.


How would you like to wake up during an operation to find out that the doctors are stealing your organs? Look at this next video and see how it is done.   

You can see the videos below by clicking on the "https" link or on the picture.



'Dead' Woman Wakes Up Before Organ Removal; Doctors Continue Anyway

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