Thursday, January 1, 2015

Don't Look Now But Your Body Has Been Stolen!

One of the many operations going on in America every day!

A woman told me recently that I come out of the clear blue sky with some subjects that no one is talking about on TV or on the news. Because of this, she told me that she can understand why people claim that I am weird.  She wants to know my sources like what comes out on TV, radio, or in the newspaper are accurate reporting.  To her, I am weird. To me, I refused to be spoon fed information that has nothing to do with me.
For example: I do not want to hear about some British Royalty coming to New York to see a play for 15 minutes on the evening news. It has nothing to do with me.
Some information never comes out in the news.  For example, when I was young and had to renew my driver's license, I saw a question that I never seen before just before taking my driver's picture. The question, "Would you like to be an organ donor?" The question comes with no explanation. The question comes out of the clear blue sky.  I said, "no" and I advise everyone to say "no."  Most people ignored me due to my insanity.

Most people do not know that there is a Black market for organs. Most people do not know that they are on a list of donors which can make them targets for theft of their organs.  Oh, am I making this up?

Robert P. Casey

Robert P. Casey (1932–2000),  the 41st Governor of Pennsylvania. Announced that he needed a rare heart/liver transplant due to a rare genetic condition in which proteins invade and destroy major bodily organs.  Shortly after the announcement, Casey received the heart and liver from a 35-year old African-American male who was killed in an auto accident near Erie, Pennsylvania. The governor received a new liver during the same operation in which he received a new heart.

The short time between the announcement and the operation led to accusations that Casey was secretly placed on the top of the waiting list, along with sparking an urban legend that the donor was "killed" by the Pennsylvania State Police in order to "harvest" the organs.

The Organ Black Market is a highly organized market that operates around the world.  Most of the people targeted are the Blacks, poor, people from poor countries, and uneducated. Some organs are stolen by undertakers before preparing the body.

Medical Team

 Here are 3 videos that explains the operation in detail.  Click on the links or the pictures to see the video.
HUMAN BODY PARTS & FLUIDS FOR SALE ONLINE Hair, Blood Plasma, Sperm, Fertile Egg's and more

25 Alarming Facts About Organ Trafficking

Published on Jun 13, 2014

With an estimated 120,675 patients waiting on the national waiting list for organ transplant, it's obvious that the demand for fresh new organs is high. A fact that has created the perfect conditions for thugs, corrupt medics, and politicians to exploit organs from those who have nothing, then sell it to those who have much and in the process make a sizable profit. Here are 25 alarming facts about organ trafficking.

Published on Mar 5, 2013

Many who live in poverty in Bangladesh resort to selling their organs in an effort to make ends meet. MSU anthropologist Monir Moniruzzaman infiltrated the black market for human organs to expose the often horrific experiences of victims and the consequences of trafficking.

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